Part of growing up

I have finally realized what a toxic relationship is and honestly , I'm very proud of myself . Recently I just got out of a relationship AGAIN. For a second time with the same guy . Now , reason we broke up the first time was because he had a lot going on . And he was always very locked up so he pushed me away and called it off . But we continued being great friends . But I would hate it because if we hung out it would always turn into a make out session and i would feel like shit because it was like ...does he only want me for this ? But I would talk to him about it and it would turn into a deep convo . And I would eventually drop it and move on . But recently, the second time , we sat outside and talked about how we wanted to make it work . Now me and him can both agree we have an odd ..relationship. Whether we're friends or together . We suck at texting each other . It's either a phone call or hanging out. Which I didn't mind but still . And so recently we just hadn't been texting and when I would text him he would just leave me on seen . But let's get forward to the story ...

He was hanging out with my cousin (don't worry , it's not that kind of story 😂) and she had brought me up asking if we were together or not . And he proceeded to tell her that I don't try , I'm a bitch , I'm one way one day then the next I'm something else and said that until we figure it out we aren't together. . So I messaged him one last time telling him that if he wants to fix it , message me back . But help me , help you . ...I was left on seen once more .

I knew I was trying my hardest . I was trying to make things work . But once more I was made out to be the bad guy . When I'm really not .

All I can say is , I've been in a lot of bad relationships and this has been one of them .

For all you ladies out there that are being made out to be the bad guy in your could do sooooo much better.