BC side effects or pregnancy??

I had protected sex on the 1st. The condom was fine and he didn't ejaculate because we only had sex for literally like 5 minutes due to my anxiety. The very next day (July 2nd) I started the birth control pill TiNessa. I am pretty sure I ovulated on the 9th because I had signs of ovulation. I think I ovulated because I had only been taking the pills for a week. On Thursday the 13th my boobs began to hurt and they are still hurting. I also have been somewhat nauseas. Today, the 15th, I noticed brown spotting in my underwear and then I put a tampon in and noticed some pinkish discharge. My question is, is this possibly breakthrough bleeding and side effects from the bc pills as I have only been taking them for two weeks? Or is this implantation bleeding and I am possibly pregnant? I've taken 2 pregnancy tests even though it is too early to tell. I'm just a little worried. Let me know your opinions! Thanks.