Ok, the reason why I'm freaking out rn is because I was and still am in he bathroom, and I went to check behind the shower curtain as I usually do because of paranoia and as I was about to pull down my pants to use the bathroom, the bathroom door did this weird thing where it was like somebody hit the door and the door moved like somebody hit it. I opened the door and nobody was there but my cat and he wasn't close to the door and the area where the "hit" happened was like in the middle of it so that's impossible for my cat to hit it. He usually sits in front of the door when ppl use the bathroom. Anyways, I opened the door and looked around. Nobody there! So I close the door and continue to use the bathroom. The door was SHUT. Idk what to do rn. My bedroom is right next to the bathroom and it's 10:37 meaning I might pass out or something. I'm scared af rn. What do I do???

UPDATE: I'm in my room and everything seems normal I guess but it's still kinda weird and I'm a bit paranoid. I was thinking and I remember maybe a month ago or so, I was in my room and somebody knocked. I said "come in" and nobody came in. Nobody knocked. Pretty weird things happen. Not all at once but spread out over weeks like say if one thing happens something else won't happen for a month or some weeks. Anyways, I'm hoping nothing came into my home because it's summer and I do not have he time to be stressed and such rn.