What should I do about annoying neighbors?


Just had new neighbors ( looks like a couple younger girls and one of thems dad) move in about two months ago and from the very first night I could tell we were gonna have problems. They were out side smoking/drinking talking really loud about middle of the night..( our previous neighbor smoked but oddly the smell NEVER came into the room and with these new neighbors it does) our bedroom window is by their back door and little hang out area ( we live in duplex) and since it's summer we open the window at night to let the cool breeze come in. I'm really not one to complain to manager but I'm 36 weeks along it is already hard enough to get sleep and I have to be up 3:30-4 am for work.. its not every night but at least 2 times a week where they are pretty loud and have friends over. I just shut the window now and try to go back to sleep. Sometimes they hear me shut the window and get the hint I think.. anyways who ever lives in the basement part of their duplex smokes weed and the smell makes it to our basement and up to or house. Not something I want my baby having to smell that. I don't know if someone was staying in the room that has the window next to ours or they just moved in but past couple nights I've literally been woken up from my sleep from the loud (dramatic) screams and moans from them having. Sex 😂😒at 1 am. Jeez here and my husband try not to make so much noise and they let it all out.. maybe I'm just hormonal or becoming an old fart and whatever but I'm really tired and very pregnant and just nervous for how things are gonna be with baby. I know I can't control what my neighbors do but and I was once a teen who like to drink and have friends over ( but then again we always kept it inside and were considerate of neighbors) I'm just annoyed and need to vent.. what would u guys do?