Struggling and tired points of view ladies


So this may I went back to work while we were getting ready to make baby #2, so fast forward to now I'm working full time sorting out childcare, commuting 45 minutes everyday and running our household all while being 12 weeks pregnant and having a 1 yr old..

My fiancé makes more then enough to support us but. Instantly comments how it all come out of his pay check, which I get but I'm pretty sure he signed up for this.. anyways he's out of town for the next 2 months and I'm doing everything alone it's officially starting to break me I told him I wanted to quit before I qualified for mat leave (which is august 25) and to go back to being home with our baby who I feel

Isn't getting enough quality time let alone work won't let me trade a shift so I can go see my fiancée next week meaning it's going on a month I haven't seen him and he hasn't seen his son!

He basically told me I have to stick it out for the mat leave and o well it sucks that we don't get to see each other..

I'm just stressed upset and over everything o honestly want to quit right now. I'll also mention it's the shitiest job at al call centre and I hate it everyday I'm stuck there..

I don't think I'll last the month...