Is it normal sometimes to dislike your fiance?? Maybe even have 2nd thoughts about getting married??

I've been with my fiance for a few years. He proposed this past New Years <a href="">Eve</a> :) And of course I said yes!! We have both changed since we first met, as individuals and as a couple. For the most part we both agree it is all for the better. I've accepted that most of the things about him that I seem to dislike, are the same things I fell in love with him for (I know weird right?!?) For example: he's very laid back, he can be happy sitting in the house watching TV and ordering out, or he doesn't like to ever argue. I loved those things about him but recently they drive me nuts from time to time. But nonetheless I've accepted them and remind myself those are the same things that won me over.

Anyway recently I've come to notice that I'm the one who seems to compromise more often than he. Even when I know he's wrong. I mean eventually I'll tell him but for the most part I just let it go. I'm considerate and supportive, and I don't feel like he gives the same amount of consideration as I do. Maybe I'm just pmsing and just picking but I'm really annoyed.

Don't get me wrong he's a terrific man just hard around the surface most days. And like I said we have both changed for the better in a lot of ways.

I just want to know is what I'm feeling normal? I feel like sometimes we bicker like brother n sister, n other days we are as happy as can be.... Ughhh sorry for ranting!

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