Started Clomid 100mg yesterday


After two miscarriages my doctor called a fertility doctor to see what else she could check. Negative for Lupus, anticoagulants normal, I am pre-diabetic (did the glucose test and it was normal and I have been trying to workout regularly). But she did find that i have some "mutant" gene, MTHSR (but when you google it comes up as MTHFR). So i am taking FABB for that. I have read mixed reviews about taking it while trying to conceive, but am trying it out. I had previously done two cycles of Letrozole and conceived on the second round, but sadly miscarried.

So now we are on to Clomid 100mg. I just started them yesterday and don't really feel any side effects (which i guess is good, but worried it's not doing what it needs to). When i did conceive the second time again on Letrozole my Progesterone was low so we started that. But was probably too late. Last month I started Progesterone 4 dpo but didn't not conceive (no meds last month b/c we were waiting on the bloodwork). I will do the same this month while on Clomid.

I am hoping that my new "cocktail" of FABB, Clomid, and Progesterone will be the right mix to help us!!!

Anyone had success with any of these meds??