Rough night and now cramping



My youngest had to be transported to the ER via ambulance yesterday. We spent a good portion of the night there, then we came home and he started having issues again, so I had to monitor him through the night. I'm sure I didn't get much sleep. Today I had to take him for a follow up, we are waiting to see if we are approved for car loans (trading our small Jeep for a minivan) and all the stress finally got to me I guess, cause I started cramping a lot. Decided to go to L&D; to be checked. Thankfully baby looks good and I'm not having contractions, but they think I'm dehydrated and just worn out. Trying so hard to get fluids into myself. I also have a yucky head cold, so that's not helping. I think I'm ready for this week to be over already.

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Poor thing hope you're feeling better soon


Cy • Jul 19, 2017
thanks. feeling a bit better today. this sinus stuff sucks and my son seems to be getting better from his episode. of course we still don't know about the auto loan issues... our salesperson had to leave work early yesterday because of a family emergency, so we should hear today. and I hope it's good news. I don't think I can take any bad. lol


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hope you and your son are doing better. when it rains it pours.