Hardest waiting period of my life...

I was diagnosed with PCOS about 2 months ago, we are currently TTC #1. After a talk with my boyfriend, he decided he wants to stop trying all together (using the pull out method) until I get my follow up ultrasound to tell me if the cysts are gone or not .... in 4 months. It's killing me to wait that long, but I KNOW that's what's best to avoid a miscarriage.. neither of us want that. We want a healthy and happy 9 months when it comes time. I've been eating better and working out, trying to lose weight as my doctor told me I am also "clinically obese". It's so hard to wrap my head around when all you want is to start trying NOW, to get pregnant NOW, to be a family NOW.... just trying to stay strong. Looking at all the BFPs on here makes me happy, and most often shed tears of joy. Keep trying ladies, baby dust!!!! Soon I will be celebrating with you.