Only took the pill for 5 months..


Hi all,

I officially stopped the pill on my wedding day (6/3) but I was only on the pill for about 5 months. My "period" (or withdrawal bleeding) happened 6/10-6/14, and then I had very light spotting 7/3-7/5. That was two weeks ago, and now puts me at cd38.

I don't feel like AF is even near to coming. I have however been dealing with a constant headache and exhaustion, nausea, and food aversions since right around the time of the spotting.

As of yesterday I'm still showing BFN even though I feel like my body must be pregnant.

I know stopping the pill can cause your period to not start back up properly, but could this be the case considering how short of a time I was even on the pill? Especially if I have already had a full 5 day bleed followed by 3 days of spotting?

Need some advice. Feeling sick and still getting BFN's this late in the cycle has my head spinning on what could be going on with my body. Just wondering if anyone else has been through this and how long it took to conceive after stopping the pill.