I know this sounds ridiculous. BUT IM WILLING TO DO W.E I HAVE TO FOR THIS MONTH TO GET MY BFP! Ugh. Its so frustrating because every month I say this I always end up buying another box of tampons. guys im so tired. and its only my 5th month!! I have to give a standing ovation to all these strong ass women out there TTCing, MCing and not losing hope. I look up to you. 1000% you guys are all wonder woman!! I also believe and trust that God will give me a baby when Im suppose to have one. BUT I AM READY! I AM SOOOO READY TO BE A MOMMY! I have a wonderful husband. A job I like. I live in a great space. I live in a wonderful neighborhood. CMON! I AM READY!! Im willing to do w.e it takes before I go to a fertility doctor. I did btw go to my obgyn and she stated that my cervix is perfect. What can I add to my routine? I got my opks. My Prenatals. I quit smoking (not a huge smoker) I quit coffee. I use coconut oil pills instead. If youre reading this and want to quit caffeine try coco oil pills. amazing. I got my pineapple core for my 1-5 dpo. Am I missing anything? any tips? Am I the only one??? Help!