**UPDATED PLEASE HELP** baby momma issues help needed please (long post) **UPDATED**

So my husband's baby momma has harassed myself and my children for the last two years she's shouted inappropriate things towards my children while playing in our garden, she's followed us around for hours on the high street while shopping, her and her friends have shouted insults at myself, damaged the cars, stood outside our house with there son but refused to let my husband see him, rang and text our phones all hours of the day and night for months on end to the point we've changed all our numbers and much more. My husband has been fighting with her for nearly two years to have a full time relationship with his son (via solicitor and between themselves) he applied to court last November for a contact order hes just getting a hearing date for next month.

He has done everything she's asked of him on the promise he will see his son (he put a stop to that on Nov 2016 as he never did get to see him) need at add she is very inappropriate toward him sexually and comments, also she says very awful things about me and my children to him.

. He's met up with her to discuss the child

. He's met up at the park on a week to week basis to see the child

. He's agreed to 6 of her offers from the solicitor then she changed her mind and said no

. Her last offer was that he could see him for 1 hour a week but it has to be at her house with her there, he counter offered a contact centre. She refused to respond.

I feel I must say he is of no risk to his child has never been violent and has always paid for his son. Never missed a birthday or Christmas. Also buys extra for him I.e clothes shoes nappies prams (even though she was wouldn't let him see his son.

He had regularly contact 3 weekends a month plus one-two days for dinner each week or two for the first 9 month of his sons life. This stopped after she released that she got more child maintenance if he didn't see his son. We where all at the local park with all the children and she turned up as asked why she was only getting X amount of child maintenance (child support) for there son so my husband when on the website and showed her the calculation for how often he was seeing him she wasn't happy and wanted more. Less than 3 days later he gets a solicitor letter saying she doesn't feel it's in there sons best interests to continue contact with his dad at this time and asking him to recalculate child maintenance.

Also I used to watch him sometimes 5 days a week when my husband was on tour (RAF)

So my question is he has a hearing next month and she is going in with the offer that they have to meet up the 3 of them and have days out if he wants to see him, I'm pretty pissed off about this as they've tried this and it didn't work also I'm currently pregnant and it's a pretty complex pregnancy, we lost our last little one at 9 weeks due to the added stress on us both and the relationship due to her behaviour and that my husband was really stressed after meeting with her to see his son. He says it was physically and emotionally draining (it also affected his work)(we live in the middle of nowhere so in order for them to have days out he would have to drive an hour to an hour and a half away from home) am I wrong for been upset and angry about this? Please be honest if I'm wrong. Thanks for your advice and opinion and thanks if you read this far xox


So we just got her defence for court today and I was totally shocked and discussed at the things that is in there, I'm been told that I've done this and said that, not that there client believes this to be true, but that this is true. A whole 4 pages saying in the worse person in the world and that she feels it's in her sons best interests to never be around me. I'm a great mom I've never been in trouble with the police never had social service involvement. My children's school are always saying how well behaved they are and so well spoken. I've brung them up never had anyone babysit them or had family support with living so far away due to ex husband job, I absolutely heart broken they can say I've done and said things that are 100% untrue. I don't even have the right to attend the court hearing to defend myself 😓😪 We got into one disagreement and this was after months of harassment from her and her friends and we where having huge difficulties conceiving and the added stress of the wedding I just snapped after her and her friends said vile stuff about my children. I also told my husband solicitor never hid it. I also said sorry to her at a later date but she didn't say sorry back. She is trying to get the court to stop all contact with my husband and his son. I don't understand it. She is allowed to move her boyfriend in after they've been together 3 months max and it's fine for him to be part of my husband sons life but saying it's a new relationship shit with me and my husband and that there son shouldn't be part of our lives. I've been with my husband nearly 3 years 🤔 it's just messed up if you ask me. Anyone in the U.K. Know if she is aloud to say all this shit about me and use it in family court and I can't do anything to defend my self? I'm 11 weeks pregnant and really stressed with it all to the point I'm now having abdominal pain and what I think is panic attacks because I feel my husband will lose his some over untrue comments please help