Stuck in the middle


So I'm in a long distance marriage I see him like every month or two months while we are going through the immigration process . I'm leaving this Saturday night to be with him but when I'm not with him it feels like I don't want to go out with friends and have fun like I want to just stay home . I'm without my husband and I feel like I can't have fun he's my best friend . My friends are wanting to take me out to eat on Thursday and I don't want to go like when I go out I'm not happy I just want to go home or I get anxiety it's so hard to be without my husband and since I'm 20 years old my friends are single they don't understand me so well and I am very traditional I feel guilty going out with friends when I'm supposed to be with my husband . Am I a bad friend ?

If it was up to me I wouldn't go out ? I don't know what to do 😭😭😭😭😭