Hsv1 herpes

I'd like a lot of support if possible. I went to the doctor today after a few days of acid reflux and while looking in my throat, the doctor said she noticed "inflammation" and tested me for HSV1 Herpes. When I got home, I looked inside my mouth and at the back of my throat was a white dot and a red dot. That's all I noticed. The Strep test tested negative. Please pray for me that this isn't herpes. I woke up with a panic attack not too long ago. I frequently engage in oral and vaginal sex and although it would be in my mouth, I do not want to pass the virus on to my partner. I also do not want to have this virus. Again, please pray for me as this is the most nervous and panicked I have ever been. What would I tell my boyfriend? Would things be different? I'm so nervous.