advice please

So I found out 2 weeks ago that I was expecting my 2nd child! excited is an understatement. I've had on off cramping since I found out which I just assumed was normal. but this week I've had a little bit of spotting. first lightish brown discharge and yesterday pink blood when I wiped after using the toilet (apologises for tmi) 2days ago I had a real sharp stabbing pain in my pelvis only lasted about a minute and haven't had it since. today Im roughly about 7 weeks had no bleed or cramping but had my 1st nurse appointment to be referred to the midwife, I mentioned all this to her and she said she couldn't refer me until they could determine what was happening so I have to have a few blood tests im really worrying as I won't know much until Monday and maybe not until next Wednesday all I want to know is if everything is going ok and don't feel like I can wait another week. I've never been through this before so just want to know does it sound like a miscarriage?