
This kid of sounds ridiculous, oh well? 🤷🏻‍♀️

My not quite 2.5 year old was told she was "advanced" by her (amazing) pediatrician at her last appointment. I sort of shrugged it off and assumed "yeah she talks a lot" and figured that's doctor speak.

She's now counting to 20, knows her alphabet by sight, recites frequently read books, knows her colors, understands 1 and 1 make 2, remembers extreme detail in everything we do, in addition to having spoke in sentences for a while. Basically she's freaking me out.

I had this talk with the doc after saying, "she's really becoming difficult lately etc." That's why I figured when she said "advanced toddlers tend to have big emotions and perceive more, need more etc" I just thought that was doctor speak for "yeah, she seems exhausting". 😂

Soooo, after that novel my point is: IS this advanced? Do I need to alter her stimuli, teach more, do more? Is she a jerk lately because she's bored?

Again, not bragging, new at this, and would like smoother days, ha.