Why do I feel like I am the worst pregnant lady :(


When I found out I was pregnant I was so excited and thrilled. A week later the nausea and vomiting hit and slowly began hating myself. I don't know how women still work during this stage. I can't seem to find a spare minute where I'm not feeling like I just rode a roller coaster. Not to mention I'm starving all the time and dehydrated because I can't keep anything down. I just feel awful because my daily activities have become so hard for me to do like cook/clean/ take my dog on a walk/ and go to work. Someone please tell me how to get through this. Don't get me wrong I love when I see my healthy little baby up there on that screen. But right now all I want to do is lay down and try to settle my stomach. I told my doctor this and she gave me this stupid brochure on morning sickness remedies! I have tried everything under the sun and nothing works! I asked everyone in my family if it was like this for them and they all said no!! So aggravating!! Please advise and inspiration on how to get through my work day and not letting myself go completely:( I used to get up everyday and make myself look pretty and now I lay in bed knowing when I get up I'll spend most of my morning puking...