Now that she still letting him do it in front your son


chapter 2 when one of ur twin brothers is still hitting you and your mom is still letting him don't stay hears y.

April 4 2017 . 2 months ago we was in a hotel with my son me and one of the twins brothers name demarco I told him he stupid as both if he hit me when I finally said in his face this is what happened and my son was crying in my arms cause demarco one of the twins brothers was punching his mommy in her face and so I told him do me u sorry tell ur nephew u sorry u the one punched me in front of his mommy so as he kept punch me he walked out of the hotel and and my son was crying cause his one of twin brothers name demarco punched his mommy and left her face like this and it took so long for my face to heal up my face hurt so bad I couldn't even sleep on I couldn't even talk u just tell how bad I look and how bad it hurt my son seeing his mommy getting punched by one of her twin brothers.

My son is 10 months old he does not need to see his mom get hurt by one of her twin brothers so my boyfriend Kevin wants me and my son to come to Louisiana and live with him but I don't have the money to go to Louisiana