what's the craziest thing your mil has suggested?

Aly • 💞 mama bear to 💜Olivia 1/23/17 and 💙 Charlie 8/21/18

let me first say I love my mil, almost more than my own mother with whom I've had a rocky relationship for the last decade or so.. but sometimes she worries me. I'm a little glad she doesn't live nearby so isn't taking care of my daughter for more than an hour or two while my husband get some alone time when they visit. the craziest thing she's suggested to me is leaving my baby in the car.. but that's not all! I could understand running in to a gas station or something at least if the car is in view but she actually suggested this on a hot day while we were camping we drove down to a little restaurant that's always packed with atv riders so we had to park up the hill out of view of the restaurant. so 1) she'd be out of sight 2) she'd be in a HOT car and 3) we had no idea how long our food would take and it took over an hour. I truly couldn't believe my ears but just politely as I could muster said I'd just load her up in the stroller and bring her along. she also used to tell me to just let her sleep.. when she was born at 37 wks and went straight back to the hospital for jaundice and underweight the day after we were released.. she should know better! her first son (my husband) was 3 months early! She MUST have had to wake him to feed him! anyway, what's the craziest suggestion you've received from your mil or equally out of touch relative? 🙃

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mine said we should move in with them and when I shook my head no she verbally attacked me and kept yelling "that's my son's baby" as if I denied it.. long story short he got his life together and cut his family out for his happiness and my mental health at that point. been 7 months of bliss.


🤰 • Jul 19, 2017
by the way we've been together for 7 years at that point..


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My dad suggested I forward face my 4 month old (8 months now), or stick him in the front seat. I'm glad I never let him babysit, and I'm the only one that has a car seat. It makes me wonder how I survived honestly.


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My SO's mother died when he was young but I get it from his 92 year old Greek grandmother. When my first daughter was born she told me I should let her cry to learn to self-soothe when she was only like 1 day old, never let a stranger look at your baby in the grocery store cuz they'll give her the evil eye, she's constantly obssessed with her shoes and is convinced she doesn't walk right (one of her feet turns in slightly every once in a blue moon, dr. Said it's totally fine), her hair is ALWAYS too long, she shouldn't be in tap dance class because of finances, but the best is that I'm 8 months pregnant with baby girl #3 and she keeps telling me that it's too much and we shouldn't have another baby..... like okay I'll just give this one away cuz YOU don't think I can handle it. There's literally a new issue every week, the latest is that I should never take the girls to a woman Dr., only a man! It's soo hard to hold my tongue but she's so damn old I have to.


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To give my baby to her because 'thats how it used to be done'.That my son doesn't need vaccinations.That he doesn't need to know English or go to school.
To give my baby to her because 'thats how it used to be done'.That my son doesn't need vaccinations.That he doesn't need to know English or go to school.


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My MIL suggested 4 days after the birth of my child to pump a bottle & get myself some alone time so she could babysit. Ummm no.. not in the mood to walk the mall while bleeding & cramping. She was also upset I was EBF because she wanted to give him a bottle. She kept saying over & over "I wish we could feed him too" I had to tell her 10x to stop kissing him on the mouth (again he was only days only) and she regularly get bad cold sores.


Paloma • Jul 19, 2017
Uhg.. so uneducated


B • Jul 19, 2017
I had to explain to mine that once my daughters here I didn't plan on pumping for a little while, and she absolutely did not like that. And the same with pacifiers, I told her we decided that we were going to try to avoid giving her one unless she absolutely needs is for comfort. I wouldn't trust sending her for a long period of time to stay. I know I would come back to a baby with a pacifier, a formula bottle, or her adding cereal to her bottles cause "you know it'll help them sleep longer" 🙄🙄


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If it's a girl let her raise her (she has 3 Boys no girls) and she have the baby


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That breastmilk is not good for babies so I should formula feed...


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also. .. baby carriers are not safe and babies fall out of them ALL THR TIME. and we probably got a crappy car seat because she has never heard of a britax car seat. wanted us to check with the police station about it...


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Not something she suggested but something she had said that made me upset. Me and my husband had a little argument while visiting back home. The next day after everything was done with and we were fine she says you two need to stop arguing you don't want god to take your child away from you. I was so pissed I'm 14 weeks and have been so worried about miscarriage as this is my first ever pregnancy . Btw we were only arguing because his mom is trying to take charge of my baby shower and trying to do it how she wants it and I let him know I feel forced to do everything his family's way. 🙄


Paloma • Jul 19, 2017
That is a disgusting thing to tell a pregnant person. 😡 I can't believe that..


Alexia • Jul 19, 2017
I was I just walked away.


Jo • Jul 19, 2017
I would be sooo hurt and angry!


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Your not going to want to breastfeed long, so formula will be your best friend.🙄🙄🙄


Jo • Jul 19, 2017
I got this one too! And then it turned into "you aren't STILL nursing are you?!?" Every time I see them