adominal pain?11wk 5 days Pregnant updated


Since my 11weeks I started getting sharp pain in my pelvic and stomach. it shifts pain level and area often. i tried talking to my doctor but she told me wait to our appointment on the 27th. I been vomiting before i eat anything so its stomach acid.. standing makes me dizzy and i notice stabbing pain in my belly button when i lift my arms or try lying down with my legs straight. my partner thinks Im being too paranoid but we have miscarried twice in the past.My doctor even knows this yet I have had NO blood work or ultrasound.She keeps resceduling me. I guess my question is is this pain normal? or I am right to be abit paranoid and say fuck this lady and go to women & infants ER (is an er for pregnant woman where I live).

UPDATE:I went to see my own doctor after calling and complaining to my pain case manager about not being able to see my OBGYN.She called and the had me come in today. I got to hear my babys heart beat! I laughed making her jump but I wasssss so happy and the baby kept moving so we didnt hear long but it was there! She did a urine test and said my urine looked fine. She did a vaginal swab and told me she will run it but won't subscribe anything till or if the lab finds anything. She believes my baby is the reason why I am feeling pain because its moving a lot. She ordered blood work which I will be getting down before the appointment on the 27th. AND I shall have my first ultrasound on the 25th. I already told my doctor I better get to keep a photo if not I will be very unhappy.😺😺