Finally Said Goodbye ! πŸ‘ŒπŸ½βœŒπŸ½

After 2 yrs of constant lies and tears. After having my SO's back and busting my ass off being the main provider every time my so got fired. After over coming depression. After losing my Baby Boy back in February of this year, who was the Main reason why I still bothered to Try to make things work. I finally left this piece of shit and poor excuse of a man who has brought nothing but toxic vibes into my life! I kicked him out after hearing so many complaints about how I cry and complain that he needs to step up. He always threatened to leave me. And said that every since he's been in a relationship with me he's had to worry about being responsible and blames me for even working! What a Joke! Never met someone so damn lazy and pathetic in my life! I got MY apartment on my own without his help and He won't be moving in and living off of me anymore! Unfortunately, I got a joint credit card with him which he owes 1k. I'll be making him pay every little cent he owes me because I've been the only one paying off His usage of it. I FEEL LIKE 1000 POUNDS GOT LIFTED OFF MY SHOULDERS. Finally got the courage to leave the person who's destined to financially and emotionally fuck up my life Ladies! And as I told him he better have his things out from where we live now (My parents home) before I come home from work, he grabbed me and grabbed my purse and RIPPED it ! What a psycho. So over it all .