Thinking: Should I leave?

Me and my bf were in a LDR I got pregnant and I moved in with him I lived out of the USA had a good job friends family pets... He went trough a legal problem and I was there to support him all the time he lost his job until that was over he was able to get a new one and we were doing fine until I found out he cheated on me at the beginning of our relation ship and before we met in person I forgave him cause it wasn't just about me anymore and I wanted him to be around for the baby and all that... he said that he just did it that only time and he felt terrible about it and he wanted to be there for the baby and since it has been 8 years wanting to be a father he would do everything for it...Everything cool right?! Well... our first appointing at the drs when he sees the baby he says it doesn't feel right , arguing that it's only because it's all new , that broke my heart... once again he talk to me and said that it will grow on him bla bla bla ... Couple weeks later his roommate kicked us out due to a message my bfs mom sent to him which means we were homeless... his car broke down like 2 days before that so we moved in with her, she lives in this little town where there are no jobs, she doesn't work either at this point I'm praying to any of them get a job but she is just... when she gets a little money she gets groceries and cigarettes and alcohol I mean seriously? We're struggling and that's all you care about? Last week she got a job and she was doing fine, but this week she already missed 2 days arguing she can't sleep at night So fucking what? My mom never missed work for that ! I think she is relaying on my bfs va help for school she thinks our problems are solved. But hell no! The main reason besides that I think I should leave it's because I haven been able to find a doctor or any clinics that will see me without being a citizen... that and today this morning I put his hand on my belly and he took it away iv noticed this before and he said it's alien for me I just can't.... wtf? I mean seriously it's his too! I feel like there is nothing for me here and now I think he won't help me to get situated so we can start a life together...

I regret so much coming here and get pregnant my whole life has changed and for the worse and I don't even have his support... he talks about the baby but when it hits him it's real he just gets scared or something

Sorry guys u just needed to vent !