OVER IT!!!!!


So I'm officially 39 weeks today and over it. I'm so uncomfortable and miserable and this 90 degree weather isn't making it any better. Today while waiting for my fiance in the car I felt something flowing down my leg. I checked and realized that I was wet. by the time I got home my undwear was very damp. I had my doctor's appointment today anyways so when I went in I told them what had happened. they decided to check things out to see if I was possibly leaking amniotic fluid. Turns out I just pissed on my self. according to my midwife it's normal to leak urine at this late stage. And to top it off as long as me and baby are ok they won't do anything to induce labor so I could be pregnant for 42 weeks+ before they intervene!!!! I just want this kid out😣 is there anything I can due to help speed the process along. everyone says the same things walk walk walk. but at this point who wants to be waddling around in 90 degree weather. I'm so uncomfortable!!! Help Please