Would you invite them?

Ok so this might be odd for a lot of people. But I don't want to invite my dad's parents or his uncle and his wife to my wedding. I am inviting a total of 30 people (15 for him and 15 for myself) who all get plus ones (married couples will count as 1 invite) so it's already very difficult to decide who to invite. I have two invites that I'm struggling with. I have two friends that I'm close to and went to vet school with (we spent pretty much everyday together for 4 years) I'd love to have them there and I'd feel awful for not inviting them.

However my dad's parents and his brother and his wife are not people I like at all. We had a falling out with them when I was 15 when they really hurt my mum and younger brother. They took 8yrs to apologize for their absolutely horrible actions. My parents have forgiven them, but I haven't and these people have not made an effort to reconcile with me at all. The last time we spoke was when I was 17 and they tried to get me on their side and agree that they'd done nothing wrong (when in fact they were vicious to my mum and brother and eventually my dad as well). My dad has told me it is up to me to invite them. But I feel like not inviting them could cause problems for my parents again.

Since my parents have made more progress with my dad's parents I'd consider inviting them over his brother and the wife. They've continued to be rude and I just don't like his brother or the wife personally at all. However, if I invite just my dad's parents I can't just invite one friend without the other. So it'd make more sense to invite both his parents and his brother or invite my friends who I'll actually enjoy.

I do plan on talking this through with my parents more and my fiancé (who thinks I should invite my friends because it'll make me happy). But I'm just looking for outside opinions. Thank you!

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