Okay opinions ??

Megan • Mother & wife :D !

I had started cramping a lot more since I woke up today , then finically around 1 pm I was shopping at Walmart && had the worse cramp pain ever I was crying 😭 then decided to head to hospital labor department . I was there for about 3 hours to monitor the baby and see I I was contracting (I WAS ) keep in mind I'm only 29 weeks !!! I finically got my urine sample back & then told me I had a very bad uti on top of what they called an uterus irritability which was causing contractions!!! They did check me to see if I had dilated any and they told me I hadn't .... but right after I was discharged to go home I went to pee and ran back to the nurse becuase I had passed a blood clot and when I wiped there was blood ????!!!! And I did it a few more times after j had got home . They told me not to worry useless it was enough for a panty liner ??? Like why am I bleeding now , I wasn't bleeding at all before & now I'm passing clots ?