she honestly just picks fights

my boyfriends

step mom just can't get over her self honestly just pisses me off like does she have nothing else to do? he isn't lazy he always watches your Damn dogs and cleans around the house if someone is "lazy" then it is you. honestly this isn't the first time she treated him like he's worthless. I myself try to move past it...because I'm "kind" but this bullshit is over the top. he's so depressed about it all he wants is to be loved . and they keep telling him to move in with his (he's never been in his life) dad but I'm so over not being able to help him. he just wants to escape. I go to language course in 20 minutes and I feel something bad is gonna happen. Someone is ending up in the hospital. I can't do anything about it either because I'm 8,936 miles away from him. we are both 18 but he is waiting to move out. he can't right now or he has to move into the streets. heartbroken.