The struggle is real 🙏🏼


I feel this needs to be shared....I have PCOS and Endometriosis on top of pre cancer cells....yes you read that right pre cancer is the hard to deal with all the constant pain feeling like your body is slowly falling apart because everyday it's a new pain in the same area. It's a battle everyday mentally and physically. When you have to deal with both at once and then worry about developing cancer it takes a toll on you. That yearly Pap smear turned into a monthly one. That you only get an ultrasound more than once every other month if your pregnant turned into an every month ordeal. Blood work biopsies surgery. Since I was 14 I remember the worst menstrual pain ever and it's not getting better. "Have kids it will help" is what you get told but guess what...Endometriosis- Causes infertility. PCOS- Causes infertility. So it's not that easy. When you get told it's possible to have kids but it will take time and are told you have a chance but it's very very small and you see everyone else getting pregnant. It takes a toll on your mental health. When you have a Pap done and constantly worry it it's going to come back normal or if you have to get more tests done. When you have gone through the pain of a laparoscopy and don't want to again but know it's inevitable. When your doctor tells you that he wants to put you into a chemical menopause at the age of 21. When your doctor tells you "once you have a kid, if you have a kid we are removing your ovaries and putting you on hormone replacement." It all messes with your mental well being. Trust me I don't want to be on anxiety medication but I absolutely have to be because if I don't I will drive myself insane. Yes I know I'm "bigger" but guess what I've lost weight. Guess what PCOS will do that to you stress will do that to you. Not only do I have to worry about everyday things but also my own mental and physical health as for anyone who has anything to say about my weight or my pain...don't...because until you go through it yourself you won't understand why I lay in the bed all day some days or some weekends because it hurts to much to get up and move around. Think before you act. Know what someone is going through before you leap to conclusions. God bless everyone of us going through these horrible illnesses. 🙏🏼