Last nights sex 🤔

When I went to pee after sex last night, I saw light pink spotting when I wiped...I'm very regular (28 days) and my period is due in 3 days (23rd)

So I put a pad on and this morning my pad had a small brown spotting- and I have been clear after last nights wipe 😟😟😟😣 I never spot before AF soo am really confused

I did take a hpt last night but negative 😢

I have had cramps all week which is not very unusual for me but I have been spotting other symptoms too- veiny breasts, nausea, weird taste in my mouth yesterday morning and tired, insomnia, diarrhoea.....I'm on clomid for a higher chance to conceive twins (please do not judge) 😟 I'm ttc for my first

Has anyone experienced something similar? My mum did tell me once that she thought she got her period when she was pregnant with me..... 🤔🤔🤔🤔

Is this my period playing games with me or could it possibly be implantation bleeding? I can't stop thinking about it as I have been trying for four months now- I know it is not much but it still worries me as I track ovulation, take vitamins including Pregnacare conception including my husband and Vitamin D, folic acid and he takes Zinc with vitamin C and we are quite healthy....Please help!!!!!