Emerson Allen has been born!


Emerson Allen was born on 7/18 at 6:47pm. He was 8lbs and 4oz and 21inches long.

I was induced on Monday night, starting with a cervix ripening medication at like 9 and then every few hours after that until I was dilating. The contractions that the medication gave me made it so I couldn't rest like I was supposed to, so they gave me pain meds to get some sleep.

Tuesday they started pitocin until my water broke at 10:32am and my body took over my labor. I had the epidural by noon because my contractions got way long and rough. My nurse just kept apologizing to me because they were so suddenly strong.

I had been terrified to get the epidural because I heard horrible stories about it. But it honestly was not that bad. hardest part was holding still through a contraction. the numbing part hurt, but that was like 30 seconds.

Emerson's heart rate kept getting high and I kept almost crashing so I was on a ton of monitors and constantly watched. If I wasn't feverish from an infection from my water breaking so early in the day I probably would have been terrified, to be honest. But I honestly hardly remember it.

I started pushing at 6pm with the best doctor ever. My husband held a leg and a nurse held another. I pushed for maybe 45 minutes and he was born!!

I have a second degree tear but I made my own soothing spray (water, witch hazel, mint and lavender essential oil) which worked better than the one they gave me here.

The bleeding has been annoying but not abnormal. So far manageable.

I was induced because of gestational diabetes. I am still having some trouble controlling my sugars but Emerson's are totally fine.

Emerson has been doing great. He won't sleep in his hospital bassinet, though. So the nights have been difficult.

We should be leaving today in maybe 2 hours!! finally my own bed!!!!