Am I in the wrong?

Jordan 💖

I have a son who turned 3 years old on the 11th of last month. He hasn't had contact with his biological father since his birthday last year, through no fault of my own. He just never called or anything after that. I found out that he's on drugs and has been for years and hid it very well. I never filed for child support for fear of him wanting visitation. He's trash, doesn't have a license, a place to live, job, nothing. My son doesn't even remember him. My son has nothing to do with his family, also not my fault. He sees his aunt and uncle on that side because they've always made and effort to see him. Well I got a new boyfriend about 9 months ago and he's the perfect role model for my son but since then, the family has been talking so much trash about me. His grandpa for the most part. So I add him on FB to let him see pictures and see if he will try to see him but he never has and it's been months. He didn't even tell him happy birthday. So does it sound like I've done anything wrong at all? I really don't think I have but maybe someone sees it differently?