Low HCG levels


Hey ladies I found out I was pregnant July 3 and my first day of my last period was June 20 which would make me 4 weeks and 2 days, took 7 hpt and got strong positives each time. Went to the doctors Wednesday to get blood work down and hcg level was 26 which is considered low 🙁 I'm extremely worried and have been stressing ever since. My fiancé is constantly reminding me to stay optimistic but it's very hard when my doctor keeps bringing up the word "miscarriage" I have another appointment tomorrow to get blood work done to see if my levels double, has anyone else dealt with an issue like this and still went on to have a healthy pregnancy? Also looking for words of encouragement these last few days have been really gloomy and dark for me, I'm hoping and praying for the best but I guess I have to be patient and wait to see the results (sighs).