Our princesses πŸ‘‘πŸ’“πŸ‘‘


These last few days have gone by so fast. I still can't believe our beautiful girls are here! Yesterday Irelynn was able to loose the CPAP that was helping with her oxygen level. She has been doing perfect with out it! We didn't realize how much they look alike until she was able to loose it! We are getting the hang of telling them apart and so are their grandmas πŸ˜‰ Last night we did skin to skin with each of them. I am loving that there is two of them so we can both experience this together 😊 Their bilirubin levels are a little elevated which we are told is expected at stage so they have started light treatment this morning. They also received the all clear to start taking formula/breast milk!!! We each got do first feedings with them and they ate like champs πŸ‘πŸΌ Our girls are definitely surprising us already and showing how strong they are. I am so proud of them and their daddy for being such a great support system to them and me through this whole experience. We can't begin to thank you all enough for all the thoughts and prayers. We are definitely blessed πŸ’—