Need help 😔


My AF is due Tuesday July 25th. I chart BBT and also OPK every month for the last 11 months. This cycle I bought new ovulation test because i didnt think my other ones were working. Im now using clear blue and ones they use in a clinic. Everyday ive been getting a faint line since july 10th my BBT spiked around 7/12 but the lines havent gotten any darker. Had some mild cramping tuesday 7/18 so checked cervix's and had what to look like light pink CM wiped and nothing was there. Thought maybe AF was coming early but no sign. Is it normal to still be detecting a faint line on my OPK? Took a pregnancy test to check just maybe some good news but BFN 😔. Should i wait a couple more days and test again? Never had this many faint lines on an OPK since i started trying. Normal only get faint lines for 2 days and 1 darker (not as dark as second line).