6 wk 1 day, fetal pole, yolk sac, no heartbeat


So, Tuesday had my first appointment to confirm pregnancy. I had an IUD prior and started bleeding 5/26 and body expelled IUD on 5/30. On 6/20 I had my 1st positive pregnancy test. I thought I would be 7 wk 4days, calculating from when bleeding started when IUD in, but u/s said 6 wk 1day. Gestational sac noted with yolk sac and fetal pole. they weren't able to get a heart beat and have to return Next Wednesday for a repeat u/s. I had a missed miscarriage my third pregnancy and I'm terrified I'm going to go in and there be no growth and no heart beat. Any positive similar stories? I'm just really over thinking every possible scenario and wish it could be positive, but they are mostly negative.