

I need some advice from those if you that have unfortunately had to co-parent. My son is 14 months old and I have come to the realization that I am leaving my child's father. It's truly heartbreaking. I think my heart breaks more for my son that he does not have a father that gives 100%. I truly believed he loves his son but he doesn't want to financially help and it seems going to the bar at night to play pool will always be more important than putting his son to bed. My son adores his dad and comes home asking for him everyday. I was just approved for my own place and will be moving out in the next few weeks. I know it's what is best for my son. But I am super worried about co-parenting. I had dreams of a family that quickly dwindled and now I have dreams of having a great co-parenting relationship. I believe its super important that children have both their parents active in their life. What is some of your best advice for me? If the dad doesn't reach out do I push the relationship or just let it be? I asked him to put together a parenting plan or a consistent schedule and he is not interested. He hasn't seen his son since Sunday and I called today asking if he would like to make plans to see his son This weekend and he said "no" (this is him acting out and mad cause I am leaving). How do you guys make this work? Do I just let him come and go as he please just my son can have daddy time? Or do I just cut it off completely until he decides to make something more consistent? I see a long long road ahead and I am just looking for all and any advice on co-parenting. I am so lost on how to move forward. I don't want to chase someone to be in my sons life but I also don't think it's fair for his daddy to be around when convenient. He cried when his dad left the other day. My heart just hurts for my son.💔 please help.