Is this even possible


So here's my story... I am on my 2nd round of Clomid. I took provera to induce a period and I had my period from the 7th-13th we had sex on the 7th ( I was only spotting) and then again on the 14th 16th and 18th. I went to the dr yesterday to check for ovulation and she said I had a 1.1 cm follicule on my right ovary. She said she didn't think I would ovulate this cycle and we decided to up my clomid to 100 mg next cycle. Well, last night I found a pregnancy test strip and since I love peeing on sticks lol I went ahead and peed on it. When I came back I saw this? I am seeing a very faint line but is that even in the realm of possibilities? Did I ovulate while taking the clomid, did I somehow conceive on the 7th the first day of my cycle? Or did I conceive on the 14th and I am getting a faint line at 6 days past intercourse? Thoughts???