announcing my pregnancy to parents

back story first~~ my bio parents had two miscarriages after having me one at 12 weeks and the other at 22 weeks then got divorced shortly after the second this was in 1996. I completely understand that was hard on them both and have never doubted that. present day~~ I am 25 and been married for over 2 years we just found out I am pregnant with put first. my dad finally came over so I could tell him the good news! I am 5 weeks so I know it is really early but I wanted the support of our parents especially with my mom's past. after telling him, my dad could barely muster up a congratulations and then proceeded to tell me not to get my hopes up that things happen, it just broke my heart! it's his first grandchild, he is a now minister preaching about faith and that's what l get?!?! I was devastated because even knowing that it is really early I am so excited and have complete faith that God has a plan for this baby and I and things will work out, but my dad just left me shocked.