Most Hurtful Thing A Family Member Has Ever Said To You?

Have any of you guys ever had a family member say something really negative or hurtful towards you?

I’ve been applying for jobs for a long time now and I haven’t had any luck. It seems like it’s so hard for me to get a job, but a lot of my friends are getting jobs at the snap of a finger. I’ve updated my resume over and over, added relevant experience, called, etc. Landing interviews isn’t even the problem - I’ve been on at least 20 at this point - it’s just like I can never land the job! The most devastating interview I ever had, the manager discussed pay and scheduling with me and he even talked about minor things such as picking up shifts. He said so many things to make me think I had the job, yet a MONTH later, I received an email saying I did NOT get the job! I lost hope for a little while, but I soon regained it, as I know that I’ll never get a job if I lose my motivation and stop looking and putting my best foot forward. Well, my dad knows how many interviews I’ve been on and how incredibly hard it’s been for me to try to find a job, yet he threw it back up in my face. We weren’t even arguing! I just mentioned that I had an interview coming up and he said “Well you’ve been on a lot of interviews, you’re still not gonna get a job.” To be quite honest I thought it was pretty fucking rude! It actually shocked me to think that (even in a not so serious situation) when you know someone is struggling with something - ESPECIALLY a family member - that you’d actually say something that negative and nasty. Of course this isn’t the worst thing a family member has ever said to me, but the fact that it came from my dad was really shocking. I don’t need anyone to support me in what I do, but if you’re not going to support me, I’d rather not hear what you have to say.