What a rollercoaster week

Sarah • Proud mother of a beautiful daughter. Pregnant with #2

So. We are ttc #2. DD is 11 months. I'm still breastfeeding.

I ovulated 6th July

My photos are attached of my collection of tests. I was spotting a small amount of brown on Saturday. Sunday morning I started bleeding red. Just like AF. I assumed it was all over before it'd even begun. I went to my doctors Monday morning because I thought it was an early miscarriage/chemical. It was proper blood. I bled for three days straight. Proper deep red blood. Exact same as AF. Had cramps too. Yesterday I just had a very small amount of brown. I kept testing and kept getting positives. Doctor told me to keep testing as it isn't necessarily a miscarriage/chemical.

Today I tested again and my line is most definitely darker. (Photo below of today's test on its own) Absolutely no bleeding at all now.

I am wondering if it's safe to get happy that I am actually pregnant