
Ok guys if you could give it to me straight that'd help! I'm unsure if I'm over reacting and need to get over myself or weather or not I should confront her.

Anyway, I've been with my fiancée for three years now, at the beginning of our relationship my sister in law (we will call her Nikita) was really nice and occasionally we would hang out when my partner was at work ect so no issues! Fast forward we get pregnant at the same time and she shuns me out for a while (I was 18, she was 24) but eventually got over it and loves her niece now-kinda. Anyway I try make the effort to visit her on a once a week basis for coffee and a catch up while our girls play (they're nearly 2 now) but now we barely do that (once a month if that) and she claims she's busy but I know she has her friends there, she's a stay at home parent and I know she spends a lot of time at home. she's blunt through message and doesn't seem to care if our kids have a relationship or not, (my partner works long hours so it's hard for him to visit sometimes and she claims to not care because it's him missing out on the kids but is nice to his face), even so I understand if my partner didn't want to visit because she half ass ignores us if her friends are there anyway. now we are both pregnant again (her due in October and me December) but she doesn't reaaaaally give a damn again,(she was obsessed when my daughter was born) she's just happy her best friends pregnant too which is fine but I just want a civil relationship and where our children can play and have a relationship. I'm but she's making it so difficult. I know if I decide to stop making any effort it'll come back on me.

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