On Mental Health Treatment:

Ivey • Married 6/11/2016 ❤️ Childless Not By Choice 🌸 Mom of Fur Babies 🐶🐱

I hate this idea of what people think happens when you go into treatment. You never "beat" mental illness. There's hardly such a thing. When I first started treatment at 12 years old, I was constantly looking for a point where I wouldn't be fighting and where I would be "better". And yeah, I suppose in some ways we do get better, but not the way I thought I would. I thought I would be cured and no longer meet the criteria for the list of mental disorders I have. I'd no longer have BPD or Bipolar 1. I'd no longer suffer psychosis and paranoia or have panic attacks. But those things don't just "go away". You're never cured, even after a lengthy, time consuming, exhausting process with trying tons of medications until you find what works and finally having a solid plan in therapy after multiple occasions of new diagnoses arising and plans changing. After the hundreds of hours going back and forth between "hey I'm doing okay" and "what the fuck is wrong with me". All of that time realizing that medication isn't a quick fix for your problems. All of the fights with the people trying to help you because fuck, I never wanted another diagnosis. What treatment does isn't cure you. It makes you a stronger fighter. It prepares you to carry on in a battle you weren't previously prepared for. It's training for the mind and comfort to ease the soul. It's knowing that you're finally safe when left alone. Treatment isn't some goddamn walk in the park and I'm tired of people thinking it is.