Pregnancy scare.

Aight, so I've never written on here but I need to express to someone how actually scared I am and why I am so scared.

So I've been with this guy for a while now. He is older than me and it is illegal for us to be sexually active but regardless we have been. We've not been using a condom due to the fact that he is sterile. Regardless my friends and family that know seem to want to warn me every second about what could happen if I get pregnant. I should start my period soon... I think. I haven't been great at keeping up with it. Which is bad I realize but we've only been having sex for about a month now and before that I always used a condom. Anyways well for the past couple of days I've been cramping (today it was especially bad) and that's abnormal for me because I usually don't cramp before my period and it's not very bad either. But this time things feel different. I also have a milky white discharge - which has also never happened to me before. I don't show any other prepregnancy signs. Well except for yesterday. He like put some wonton stir fry in my face and the smell of the wonton sauce actually made me gag which is odd because I love that sauce but even thinking about it now I want to gag. I'm actually starting to get really worried because he could go to jail and I really can do a baby this young. If anyone has anything to comment that could put my worries at ease it'd be great. I just had to get it all off my chest because it's getting to be too much to just play it off. That and no one knows cuz it's illegal.