implantation or period?? (long explanation! please read!)

according to this app, my period was supposed to start on the 19th. I had protected sex a few weeks ago and used condoms each time. I've been freaking out since the beginning of the week because I hadn't really had any symptoms of my period coming except my boobs were slightly sore and I was starting to get hot REALLY easily (it happens with all my periods). Wednesday came (19th)... No period. Thursday came(20th)...i cried at the end of the day because no period and I assumed that I must have messed up big time and that I must be pregnant. in my mind there was no other explanation for me being late since my period was normally regular! Yesterday I was moving a ton of things for a friend so I wasn't really concentrating on the fact my period was probably not going to come. but when I went to the bathroom around noon, I wiped and there was pink on the toilet paper. It didn't really ease my mind though because there's always the possibility that it was implantation bleeding instead. so I went about my day and I didn't have anything else on the toilet paper for the rest of the night. This morning I woke up with a stomach ache from the food we had for lunch yesterday. I used the bathroom and looked down in the toilet and little sppts of pink. I wiped myself and the toilet paper was dark pink with a small red clump.. I went back to bed still a little scared that it could be implantation. I got up about 30 minutes ago because I had to use the bathroom again (the food we ate did not sit well with me..) and when I wiped, it was a little darker pink almost red. and i had to wipe myself twice to get all of it. do you guys think Its my period coming? Or should I still be worried it's implantation. i had sex the first and second weekends in july so it's been 2 and 3 weeks since I've had sex (it was protected with a condom) let me know what y'all think!! im 23 and i love my fiance.. i just dont want to bring a child in the world until were ready for that.