Sitting up while sleeping 😩

Andrea • Tommy arrived 12-5-16 ❤️

We're currently going through a rough patch with my little guy which is super disappointing because WW says this should be a ☀️ week.

He has recently learned how to sit up on his own which prompted me to lower his crib. Now every time I put him down, even when he is asleep, he immediately goes into a sitting position and wakes himself up. It's like he's on auto pilot. Having to bend so far down isn't helping either. I go as slowly and gently as humanly possible and he still wakes up just enough on his way down to sit up and fully wake himself up.

He is also teething really bad and constantly whiny. His bottom incisors have already came in so it must be his top two front teeth this time. This time is much harder than last time. Please tell me this will pass. I feel so bad for the little guy and it's exhausting!

Go to sleep baby! Please!