I need an Outlet...

Can someone explain to me (if someone even finds this post, or even cares to comment) why people who say they care for you ask you "how are you?" when they don't really want to know? Im usually a pretty reserved and private person, so it's not like I go around telling my feelings to the first person that lends an ear, but in the few times I have allowed myself to open up to another individual about my internal struggle with conception, they seem so disinterested that I end up just cutting the conversation short so to not put them through such "boredom". Yet, as a decent human being, I've grown up believing that when someone needs to talk something off their chest, it's your moral duty to just listen.... is it really too much to ask for the same courtesy in return? I tried talking to my mother in law today, just to find a bit of support on this fertility journey my husband and I have embarked on, and I was thoroughly disappointed at her complete disinterest as she scrolled through her phone almost ignoring everything I was pouring out to her.... I honestly just want someone to talk to, and even this app has proved to turn its back on me. I have my husband, but I'd like to talk to someone who has gone through what I'm going through and understands the agonizing pain of waiting for a child who doesn't exist in a world where babies are being born all around you. If someone could just do that for me for 5 minutes.... I'm certain, it would make all the difference. That's it. Thank you cyberspace for listening. Good Afternoon.