This might be my month anyone wanna join?


Hi ladies! So this could just be wishful thinking but who cares?! What's the harm! I'm calling all ladies who have recently ovulated and already BD who think this may be their month r think they have any symptoms already to join this discussion and feel free to post without judgement or criticism! 😀

So my period is due 2nd of august (I THINK!) but I did an opk 6 days after my last period and it was positive so I don't have the "traditional" cycle and I only had a three week gap between my last periods so my body has a mind of its own I guess! Haha,

Anyway my breasts are SO SORE! They hurt when I move or pick my son up (he's 5!) they are really swollen and painful and have been now for three days and I'm sure all the skeptics on here will try and tell me this is scientifically impossible but I don't care! 😁💪🏻 when I was pregnant with my son the only reason I took a test before I even missed my period was because my boobs were so sore and below and behold I was pregnant!

Also the three times I was pregnant before conceiving my son I had sore breasts although they sadly all ended in a miscarriage. I know I could be wrong and maybe there is another reason for my tender swollen breast but I'm not worried about being wrong I just want to share and enjoy HOPE on this app for all women who are TTC. 😊🤰🏻

This is only our second month TTC so it's very early doors but we are both taking pregnancy vitamins and tracking my ovulation so no harm in hoping 😁 my partner is 38 and I'm 28 so he feels he doesn't have time on his side and naturally we'd like to catch as soon as possible as most women on here are.

I have also been experiencing cramping Ike stretching pains low down in my ovary area of my stomach for a few days now so it will be interesting to see if I have a bfp on test day! 😀😅

I have 10ml tests which are the most sensitive possible so I going to test before my expected next period and will keep you all updated 🙏

Please send me some baby dust and share your potential symptoms with me

Baby dust to all 😘😘😘