Why are women so mean?


Like to each other? Especially on this app? I LOVE this app because I get to track my own period, I get to help other women out with advice, and I get to share the happiness of mommys! But Jesus fuck some of y'all are mean!!!! (Excuse my language) I see you all bashing each other, being nasty, and putting other women down. What is that about? Are you really that insecure that you need to come onto an app and hurt others with your words? It's disgusting.

I tried to give GOOD advice to a girl who posted. I did research on her question, her specific question, and gave advice based on that and I had THREE women verbally attack me because my advice was "wrong". I do research for a LIVING. It is my CAREER. I know that I was correct in the advice I gave, but I deleted my comment because I felt so hurt that they attacked me. Why couldn't they have just been nice and asked where I got that information, or maybe started a friendly debate like a normal person?

I'm so tired of women all treating each other like shit! We have enough to deal with in life and in the world without dragging each other!

I send good vibes to you all. Because if you're so low as to attack another woman on a support app, then your life must really be rough. XOXO.