Bulimia and Oral Contraceptives don't mix. Advice?

Jess • Hi I'm Jess and I'm 17! I'm a senior and I'm still trying to get my bearings.

So this was totally unplanned, the pregnancy, I have no idea how far along i am but i'm guessing about 4-5 weeks. What had happened was I was on the pill and me and my boyfriend decided it was okay to not use a condom as long as he still pulled out. However, I have been dealing with Bulimia for the past two years, it had recently just in this past year gotten so bad where i had to be hospitalized and from there my parents put me in support groups and therapy on the road to recovery. I was doing pretty well but these last two months i've gone into a relapse and oral contraceptives and bulimia don't mix well. I'm 17 and I really don't think I'm ready to be a mom and I'm afraid to tell my therapist because then she'll know i've been lying about not purging. I can barely function as a human being let alone have a whole other one. I don't know what to do i'm pro-choice but i don't think i can go through with an abortion but I don't think I'm ready to have a baby or even stop my disordered eating enough to have a like healthy pregnancy. This is just super stressful for me and if anyone has any kind of advice for me with how to deal with these feelings and how to tell both my therapist and my parents i'd be so thankful. I need someone to talk to but can't talk to her lol