Room sharing / co-sleeping



What age did your pediatrician suggest you stop sharing your room with your little? Or what age did you or do you plan on moving them?

We currently have our daughter in a co-sleeper next to the bed and she will be 3 months old next week.

I feel like she's too young to move into her own room. I think our doctor told us to move her anywhere from 3-6 months but I would really like to hear some mama opinions. Thanks!

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All the guidelines in the uk say they should sleep in the same room as you till 6 months. If i remember rightly my first little girl went in her on room a little before that because she was sleeping through the night... my second is 3 months old and i think ill keep her in my room untill she is sleeping through as im breastfeeding its just easier.


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We moved our daughter to her own room at 2 months, and she actually sleeps SO much better than she ever did in our bedroom. She's 3.5 months old now


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I plan on moving mine when we are mostly done nursing. We live in a small trailer so isn't like she can ever be far away.


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We've had our son in his nursery since we brought him home. Our pediatrician actually recommended putting him in his crib in his room from the start. He's slept great! First week was rough on me, but my fears have calmed since. I know we sleep better because of it too. Minus the wall separating our rooms his crib is about 10-15 feet from our bed, so that helps too.


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