
Ok so I know there's no way for any of you to know this answer but I'm asking and just seeing what you all think
My cycles are normally 32-34 days long and vary between those numbers every month. I'm currently a week late for my period that I was supposed to get on the 15th. Right after my last cycle I began very intense exercising and dieting bc I was in a wedding for a friend. I did that for about 3 weeks and then hit it really hard the week before the wedding. I've also been pretty stressed out the last month. I'm not on BC and me and my husband had unprotected sex like 2 times since my last cycle and non of them were on my predicted ovulation date.
What do y'all think? I know there's a chance I'm pregnant but I've taken 3 pregnancy tests and they are all negative and I don't "feel" pregnant like I did with my first pregnancy